The Cost of Believing tells the tale of a wandering spirit, lost to the world and abandoned by conventional society, living in the margins of modern life. After itinerant stints in the fruit trees of the Northwest, in a drug-fueled transcendent moment the drifter encounters a raging oracle in a meadow spewing false dogma to his ragged band of sycophantic followers. Under the sway of his call for destruction and structural rebirth, the drifter is entranced into an apocalyptic vision of the world’s future, where environmental catastrophe has laid the land to waste. Determined to avert this hell-fire vision, the drifter sets on a course of self-sacrifice as an act of protest that ultimately leads to near-death and the rejection of the false paths of violence and enmity. The drifter is, in the end, lifted – saved by the illuminating notion of love, and pledges eternal devotion to the promise of light.
Brill’s ambitious vision for The Cost of Believing is a fantastically ornate theatrical staging featuring a full complement of performers: large chamber ensemble and full supporting band, vocal choir, an accompanying dance troupe, multi-media film, light and sound design and a cast of actors bringing the musical’s characters and narrative to life. The Cost of Believing will present an original book for its staging as well as a full-length animated film that will both be employed as part of the production and have its own life as a stand-alone presentation. Brill has partnered with esteemed choreographers Jen Lott and Rachel Harris in developing the dance component of the musical and with celebrated visual artist Valerie Hird, who will weave her intricately flowing images into fluid animation.
The first iteration of the musical was presented in January 2024 at the James Fuentes Gallery in Los Angeles run as a Libretto Ballet to sold out audiences and great acclaim, featuring live performances by Brill with full band, chamber ensemble and choir, six dancers, portions of the original film and other multi-media lighting, stage design and costuming elements. The one-hour production far exceeded initial expectations and inspired a next round of performances, staged at the Frank Shiner Theatre in New York City in June 2024, featuring significantly furthered production elements and narrative development. The performances were presented as an operetta, with a cast of nearly thirty performers that showcased actors, singers and musicians as soloists. Following this sold-out run of performances in NYC, The Cost of Believing team is currently in partnership talks with playwrights, directors and producers as we look to bring the production to even greater heights.
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